Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 09.00 am - 09.00 pm, Sunday : 10.00 - 2.00


Home Price




  1. Consultation

Consultation includes dental check up and specific test need to perform during dental check up like cold n hot test. Consultation Charge valid for 6 months.


  1. Digital Dental X-Ray(RVG)

Usually called IntraOralPeriApicalRadiograph (iopar) 3-4 teeth can be captured in one x-ray. You will receive the  soft copy of x ray in your whatsapp or email.




Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics


  1. Composite Filling- Posterior

Composite fillings are required for cavities formed due to decay in teeth. Composite fillings are tooth coloured filling material.



  1. Composite Filling- Anterior Teeth

Exact colour match is necessary in case of anterior teeth restoration.

This type of restoration requires multiple shades of composite materials to Achive 3 Dimentional colour match.



  1. Root Canal Treatment(RCT)

Root Canal Treatment or RCT is required when decay in the teeth reaches the nerve. RCT is also called Endodontic Treatment.



  1. Re-RCT

Sometimes Root Canals or RCT fail and the infection relapses. In such cases the RCT has to be done again. Hence a Re-Root Canal Treatment is conducted.



  1. Post & Core

A post & core is a type of dental restoration required where there is an inadequate amount of sound tooth remaining to retain a crown. A post is cemented into a prepared root canal, which retains the final crown



Replacement of missing teeth using Implants, Crowns, Bridges or Removable Denture


  1. Crown- Zirconia

Zirconia Crowns are Best Crowns available in Dentistry So Far. They have 5 years to Life Time Limited Warranty with some Term & Conditions. You can Ask Dentist about T&C Apply. Other name of zirconia crown is full ceramic crown or a metal free crown. It does not contain any metal and is completely made of ceramic, zirconia or porcelain. Also used for Crown & Bridges.



  1. Crown-PFM

Also called Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns (PFM-Crown), with two layers. Inner Layer is Metal and Outer layer is Porcelain or Ceramic. Also used for Crown & Bridges.


  1. Dental Implant

Dental Implant are the most optimum way of replacing a missing teeth is with a titanium dental implant. A dental implant is placed in the jaw and covered with a crown.


  1. RPD

A removable partial denture(RPD) is a dental prosthesis that is used to replace multiple missing teeth. If a patient is not a candidate for a fixed dental bridge, or a dental implant, then  RPD is an option.

RPD could be normal conventional rpd or Flexible RPD.

Normal RPD-500/ per tooth & 250/ for Plate

Flexible RPD-800/ per tooth &  2500/ for Plate

  1. Complete Denture(CD)

Normal CD

Complete Denture(Premium)

Complete Denture(Flexible)





Oral Surgery Procedures


  1. Surgical Tooth Extraction

Some teeth need to be surgically extracted or removed. Wisdom teeth or incorrectly submerged teeth are usually extracted surgically.


  1. Normal teeth extraction

Non Surgical Teeth Extraction

500-1000/per tooth

  1. Biopsy

A biopsy is a procedure to remove a piece of tissue or a sample of cells from your mouth so that it can be tested in a laboratory.


  1. Frenectomy

An oral surgery procedure that treats a lip-tie or tongue tie


  1. Splinting of Teeth

Teeth are joined together using a thin reinforced wire thereby increasing their stability.



Preventive Dentistry & Dental Treatments for Kids


  1. Pits and fissure sealants

Pits and fissures are small cracks on teeth which are common in kids or permanent teeth. The best way of protecting teeth is by application of pit and fissure sealant.


1500/ per tooth

  1. Topical Fluoride Application- kids & adult

Fluoride application in kids as well as adults helps to avoid decay and cavities. Fluoride application is a preventive dental procedure for children.



  1. Pediatric Root Canal Treatment(Pulpectomy) for kids.

Root Canal Treatment may be required in children’s teeth when they get decayed which touches the nerve and cannot be treated with fillings.



  1. Pediatric Composite fillings for kids

Children’s teeth need to be filled when they get decayed. These fillings are done using tooth coloured composite.



  1. Pediatric Tooth Extraction for Kids

When a tooth cannot be saved with RCT, it has to be removed or extracted. In case of retained milk tooth extraction of milk teeth is performed.



  1. Space Maintainer

The primary function of space maintainer is to maintain space created due to premature baby tooth loss. Space Maintainer prevent overcrowding in permanent teeth. They hold space for the adult teeth to grow in. They also prevent the remaining adjacent teeth from moving into the open space.



  1. Habit Breaking or Myofunctional Applicances

Sometimes a kid has habit of thumb sucking or tongue thrust, or has retruded lower jaws (mandible) in that case this treatment is required.




Cosmetic or Aesthetic Dentistry


  1. Composite Laminates

This is a cosmetic or aesthetic procedure that is used to improve the shape and size of your teeth to provide you a perfect & confident smile.


3500/ per tooth

  1. Ceramic Veneers

This is of layering the front teeth to make them look perfectly shaped thereby giving a confident and pleasing smile.


8000/per tooth

  1. Teeth Cleaning/Scaling & Polishing

Dental Cleaning/Oral Prophylaxis/Scaling is a process of cleaning teeth using an ultrasonic scaler to remove tartar(calculus) and plaque which is present on the teeth surfaces.






  1. Fixed Orthodontic Treatment

Conventional Metal Braces





1.2 lakh onwards

Make Appointment

Kanta Kishore Dental Clinic & Endodontic Center

Hasiamau, Hariharpur, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226002


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Oro Compatible Dental Clinic & Endodontic Center

Vijay Nagar, Sector-B, Nagram - Nilmatha Rd, Cantt, Nilmatha, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226002


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Dr Rakesh Prasad, MDS - Dental Clinic

QXPQ+GVW, Malak Rd, Roberts Lines, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226002

063914 61469

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